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Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?

Can You Drive After Laughing Gas?

Sedation dentistry can help many patients get access to even the most basic dental services. If your dentist recommends sedation, it is usually to address
one of these issues:

Lengthy procedures
Strong gag reflex
Severe dental anxiety
Disabilities that may prevent you from sitting comfortably in the dentist’s chair, etc.

Essentially, sedation is available to make sure patients remain perfectly relaxed and comfortable while getting their oral health needs checked.If you’ve been told you may need sedation, then you’re likely wondering if you should make arrangements for someone to drive you home after. Well, if you’re getting laughing gas (nitrous oxide,) you may be able to drive yourself home. Keep reading to find out why.

Sedation dentistry at BOOM smiles

Side Effects of Laughing Gas

Laughing gas is considered perfectly safe when administered by a trained professional in a controlled setting. In fact, it’s the sedation of choice for children, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Nitrous oxide is not known to cause any serious, life-threatening, or long-term side effects. However, some patients may experience some mild symptoms such as headaches or nausea. Usually, these symptoms appear as soon as the gas enters your system, and if that’s the case, the dentist will quickly switch to oxygen. Once the gas is expelled, the symptoms usually disappear.

Sedation Dentistry at BOOM Smiles Group

Dr. Bhumesh Hirapara, Dr. Ecio Pozzi, and Dr. Stephanie Jacobovitz are all trained to safely administer dental sedation and help patients remain comfortable while getting their oral health needs addressed. We offer several types of sedation options and can help you choose the most appropriate one based on a thorough review of your medical history. Start the process by requesting an appointment at BOOM Smiles Group online.

Want to learn more about laughing gas or our other services? Then you can call us directly at (201) 716-0651 for a chat.

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